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[[File:Girardengo-Eldorado cycling team.jpg|thumb|right|250px|'''Girardengo-Eldorado cycling team''']]
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[[File:Girardengo-Eldorado cycling team.jpg|thumb|right|200px|'''Girardengo-Eldorado cycling team''']]
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Constance Girardengo (1893-1978) was a famous and succesfull Italian racing cyclist between 1912 and 1936. After [[Alfredo Binda]], [[Fausto Coppi]] and [[Gino Bartali]], he was [[Italy]]’s greatest. After ending his cycling career he started a [[bicycle]] factory and later on, in the fifties, also produced 2-stroke motorcycles of 125, 150 and 175 cc capacity in [[Alessandria]], approx. 80 km north of [[Genova]]. During 1954-1955 he had his own Girardengo-Eldorado cycling team.
Constance Girardengo (1893-1978) was a famous and succesfull Italian racing cyclist between 1912 and 1936. After [[Alfredo Binda]], [[Fausto Coppi]] and [[Gino Bartali]], he was [[Italy]]’s greatest. After ending his cycling career he started a [[bicycle]] factory and later on, in the fifties, also produced 2-stroke motorcycles with 125, 150 and 175 cc capacity in [[Alessandria]], approx. 80 km north of [[Genova]]. During 1954 - 1955 he had his own cycling team called ''Girardengo-Eldorado''.
[[File:GIRARDENGO motoleggra 125 cc.jpg|thumb|left|250px|'''Girardengo motoleggra 125 cc<br>Single cylinder two speed, 52 mm Bore, 4.5 HP at 4800 rpm<br> with Dell' Orito 16 MA carbs with [[Marelli]] Ignition flywheel''']]
File:marcel alken 001-1.jpg|'''Girardengo Motor number: 0/90  Chassis number: 205'''
File:marcel alken 007-1.jpg
File:marcel alken 017-1.jpg
File:marcel alken 019-1.jpg
File:marcel alken 028-1.jpg|'''One happy rider! :)'''
File:marcel alken 002-1.jpg
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Latest revision as of 21:36, 17 December 2016

Girardengo-Eldorado cycling team

1950's - ?

Constance Girardengo (1893-1978) was a famous and succesfull Italian racing cyclist between 1912 and 1936. After Alfredo Binda, Fausto Coppi and Gino Bartali, he was Italy’s greatest. After ending his cycling career he started a bicycle factory and later on, in the fifties, also produced 2-stroke motorcycles with 125, 150 and 175 cc capacity in Alessandria, approx. 80 km north of Genova. During 1954 - 1955 he had his own cycling team called Girardengo-Eldorado.

Girardengo motoleggra 125 cc
Single cylinder two speed, 52 mm Bore, 4.5 HP at 4800 rpm
with Dell' Orito 16 MA carbs with Marelli Ignition flywheel

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