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#redirect [[Isotta-Fraschini]]
'''Isotta Fraschini''' is an Italian manufacturing company which produces sea engines and other goods. In the early 20th century it was famous worldwide as a luxury car manufacturer, while later it turned to the production of sea and aircraft engines as well as other goods.
[[Image:Isotta Fraschini Tipo 8 Sala Phaeton.jpg|thumb|400px|Isotta Fraschini Tipo 8 Sala Phaeton.]]
The firm was named for its founders, [[Cesare Isotta]] and [[Vincenzo Fraschini]], as '''Società Milanese Automobili Isotta, Fraschini & C.''', on [[January 27]], [[1900]]. The motto was, "Import, sell, repair cars". Prior to establishing their own company in 1904, Isotta and Fraschini assembled [[Renault]]s.
The first automobile bearing this marque featured a four-cylinder engine with an output of 24 hp. The car, driven by [[Vincenzo Fraschini]], appeared in several races. In 1905, Isotta-Fraschini gained notoriety in the [[Coppa Florio]], where they entered a''Tipo D'' with an enormous 17.2L 100hp engine. For a short time in 1907, Isotta-Fraschini merged with [[Lorraine-Dietrich]]. The firm started out making race cars using this same 100hp engine, establishing the company's reputation and gave its name considerable cachet. It was also one of the first cars with [[four-wheel brakes]], following their invention by the [[Arrol-Johnson Company]] of Scotland in 1909. They were also among the early pioneers of [[overhead cam|OHC]], with an engine designed by [[Giustino Cattaneo]]. In 1924, the Type D was one of the first European cars with an eight-cylinder engine (following the first production [[straight eight]] by [[Rolls-Royce Limited|Rolls-Royce]] in 1905).
With the growth of the wealthy middle class in North America in the 1920s, Isotta Fraschini marketed deluxe limousines to the new American aristocracy. Early film stars [[Clara Bow]] and [[Rodolfo Valentino]] drove Isotta Fraschinis. A 1929 Tipo 8A Castagna Transformable is featured in the famous 1950's film ''[[Sunset Boulevard (film)|Sunset Boulevard]]'' and another appears in the 1934 film, "[[Death Takes a Holiday]]" with [[Fredric March]].
Seriously affected by the economic crisis of the 1930s and by the disruptions of World War II, Isotta-Fraschini stopped making cars after the war (1949). Only five of the last model, the Monterosa, were produced. The plants were converted to produce marine engines.
The company was still left on  company register and in 1955 it was merged with engine manufacturer Breda Motori and named as F.A. Isotta Fraschini e Motori Breda. The company started to built trolley buses again and in 1960s was built new diesel engine factory to Bari. In the 1980s the company was renamed as Isotta Fraschini Motori SpA and it came part of [[Fincantieri]] group, it has administrative headquarter in the old factory  in Bari.
After 100 years of foundation of the fabulous automotive corporation, on 2002, in Milan, a shiny brand-new company – as well named Isotta Fraschini Milano – does appear through a range of must of fineness. Luxury goods, handmade, and strictly in Italy.
== Vehicles ==
[[Image:Isotta-Fraschini Tipo 8A S LeBaron Boattail Roadster.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Isotta-Fraschini Tipo 8A S LeBaron Boattail Roadster]]
'''passenger cars'''
*[[Isotta Fraschini Tipo 8|Tipo 8]] 1919 - 1924
*[[Isotta Fraschini Tipo 8A|Tipo 8A]] 1924 - 1931
*[[Isotta Fraschini Tipo 8B|Tipo 8B]] 1931 - 1936
*[[Isotta Fraschini Tipo 8C Monterosa|Tipo 8C Monterosa]] 1948 - 1949
'''Racing car'''
*[[Isotta Fraschini Tipo D|Tipo D]] 1905 - 1907
*[[Isotta Fraschini D65|D65]]
*[[Isotta Fraschini D80|D80]]
*[[Isotta Fraschini TS 40F1|TS 40F1]]
*[[Isotta Fraschini F1|F1]]
Today <ISOTTA FRASCHINI> is represented by two italian companies.
*'''Isotta Fraschini Motori S.p.A.''': An engineering firm specializing in diesel products, particularly marine engines, industrial engines, and rail traction engines, but also providing a wide range of civil and military engineering products and services. The company is part of [[Fincantieri]] group.
*'''Isotta Fraschini Milano, s.r.l.''': A firm producing luxury goods in the spirit of the supreme luxury represented by ''Belle Epoque''.
==External links==
*[http://www.isottafraschini.it/ Isotta Fraschini Motori S.p.A.]
*[http://www.isottafraschini.com/ Isotta Fraschini Milano s.r.l.]
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[[Category:Motor vehicle manufacturers of Italy]]
[[Category:Luxury motor vehicle manufacturers]]
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Latest revision as of 19:15, 4 November 2009

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