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#redirect [[Vertemati]]
'''VOR''',''Vertemati Offroad Racing''is the name of a [[motorcycle]] company based in [[Ronco Briantino]] in the province of [[Milan]].
VOR had now specializes in construction of motion for [[jeep]], [[motocross | cross]], [[enduro]] and [[supermotard]]. It was founded in [[1998]] and at the beginning focused on the production of models from competition. Only from [[2002]] has also started to produce models for road use.
The founders are brothers Alvaro and Guido that, relying on their experience in the field of motocross, have started, almost bet, to achieve motion practically craft. Their experience stems mainly from [[Husaberg]], which were also shareholders and importers to Italy for ten years. Following the break with this company, which soon ended in the hands dell'austriaca [[KTM]], the brothers built Vertemati the C500, which took over some technical solutions Husaberg (such as' [[airbox]] in the beam under the chassis to save space). The C500, properly evolved, it was intended to give life to the first model of the house VOR (precisely from Vertemati Offroad Racing), the 492, then renamed 503, with [[distribution (mechanical) | distribution]] a cascade of gears and, case of C500, [[swingarm]] entirely derived from solid.
Following a corporate crisis in [[2002]] was absorbed by Mondial''Off Road''(group [[Mondial Moto]]) and the Company was renamed '''VOR Motorcycles'''. Following the economic vicissitudes that have marked the Group buyer the company for a long time was not even more active. In any case, the reviews of magazines for models of the house were rather flattering.
Today models are replicated by'' 'Vertemati Racing''' and are both Cross, which Enduro that Supermoto, and the motion can be obtained either by electric starter (but excludes one foot), which foot (strictly forward, feature also VOR). The motion boast suspensions WP, plates fork derived from solid, [[Brembo]] [[brake|brakes]] (cross/enduro) and Behringer (with track and cast iron basket avional) for supermotard.
==The range 2008==
* Enduro E450/501/570E (electric starter)
* Enduro E450/501/570 (start pedal)
* Motocross C450/500/570
* Supermotard S450/501/570E (electric starter)
* Supermotard S450/501/570 (start pedal)
* Supermotard Racing S450/600 (start pedal)
==External links==
* [http://www.vorclub.com/Tech.htm Models and Tech info] {{flagiconITA}}
[[Category: Italian companies by name]]
[[Category: Case motorbike name]]
[[Category: Case Italian motorcycle]]
[[Category: Companies in the province of Milan]]
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Latest revision as of 15:12, 10 August 2009

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