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[[Image:1fdf_1.JPG|thumb|right|250px|'''1953 Ceccato 75 Corsa''']]
[[Image:1fdf_1.JPG|thumb|right|250px|'''1953 Ceccato 100 cc Corsa''']]
[[File:1958 Moto Ceccato 125 cc 4 stroke.jpg|thumb|right|250px|'''1958 Moto Ceccato 125 cc 4 stroke''' [http://www.museoannicinquanta.it <small>Source</small>]]]
[[File:1958 Moto Ceccato 125 cc 4 stroke.jpg|thumb|right|250px|'''1958 Moto Ceccato 125 cc 4 stroke''' [http://www.museoannicinquanta.it <small>Source</small>]]]
[[File:Ceccato48cc Romeo_edited-1.jpg|thumb|right|250px|'''Ceccato 48cc Romeo''' <sup>Photo by Theo Jonkhart</sup>]]
== 1950 - 1963 ==
== 1948 - 1963 ==
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File:1957 Ceccato 100 1.jpg|'''1957 Ceccato 100'''
File:1953 Ceccato 175 cc ohc.jpg|'''1953 Ceccato 175 cc ohc''' <br><br><small>Photos by Theo Jonkhart</small>
File:1957 Ceccato 100 2.jpg
File:Ceccato 75cc ohc.jpg|'''Ceccato 75cc ohc'''
File:1957 Ceccato 100 3.jpg
File:Ceccato 75cc Factory Racer.jpg|'''Ceccato 75cc Factory Racer'''
File:Orlando_Ghiro_Misano_92.jpg|'''Here is a pic of the original 75 cc factory racer which won the 75 cc class in 1955 at Motogiro d’Italia'''
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[[Category:Motorcycle manufacturers of Italy|Ceccato]]
[[Category:Motorcycle manufacturers of Italy|Ceccato]]
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Latest revision as of 15:53, 30 November 2010

Ceccato logo.gif
Ceccato75063 edited-1.jpg
1953 Ceccato 100 cc Corsa
1958 Moto Ceccato 125 cc 4 stroke Source
Ceccato 48cc Romeo Photo by Theo Jonkhart

1948 - 1963

Ceccato's first company location was in Montecchio Maggiore (Vicenza) and then moved to Alte Ceccato (Vicenza) that the end of the forties the beginning of the fifties the Romeo moped, first equipped with a 38 cc engine, then with a 48 cc. The cylinder engine has reversed, with the transfer roller on the rear wheel. In 1951, they also produced a bike with a 75 cc engine and in 1952, a two-stroke bike with 125 cc.

In 1953, they build excellent motorcycles with a range of models with a 75, 125 and 200 cc engine ,the first two are single cylinders engines, the third engine had two horizontal cylinders side by side, with a four speed transmission in the block. The range was completed by a moped with the power transfer roller on the rear wheel. In 1954, multiple versions were available in a two-stroke 98 cc and 125 cc moped and produced models with a four-stroke 75 cc, 98 cc and 125 cc various. These had a vertical cylinder engine, a distribution valve controlled by the head with tree cams in the head and a shaft running off the motor, through a train of vertical gears. The moped had a tube chassis with a telescopic front fork and a swing arm rear suspension to oscillate with the telescopic shock absorbers. In 1958, they entered into production with a new moped roller grip transmission. Ceccato closed in 1963.

C33c 1.jpg

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