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[[Image:aerocaproni.jpg|right|thumb|250px|<center>'''150cc Capriolo''']]
[[Image:aerocaproni.jpg|right|thumb|250px|<center>'''1955 150cc Capriolo''']]
Dr. Ing. Gianni Caproni of [[Taliedo]] in 1940 was the limited liability company called Anonima AERO-CAPRONI-TRENT with the object, as the Statute, "any industrial and commercial activities relating to aviation and aerospace." Over the period of war, the need to redeploy production to civil purposes, in August 1950, the Aero Caproni Trento SpA enlarge the objects to "mechanical engineering." They were so taken new initiatives such as the design and construction of a jet airplane, the 'F.5 "and, and in the motoleggera "[[Capriolo]]" whose production series was developed from 1952. In fact, the company already had in 1948 dedicated to the study and implementation of a motorcycle; in the establishment of Arc of Aero Caproni, with the enlightened contribution inventive Joseph Perini was built the engine, called A50, the prototype of what will be the Capriolo 75. The official presentation of Capriolo was 75 at the XXIX International Motorcycle Fair in Milan
Dr. Ing. Gianni Caproni of [[Taliedo]] in 1940 was the limited liability company called Anonima AERO-CAPRONI-TRENT with the object, as the Statute, "any industrial and commercial activities relating to aviation and aerospace." Over the period of war, the need to redeploy production to civil purposes, in August 1950, the Aero Caproni Trento SpA enlarge the objects to "mechanical engineering." They were so taken new initiatives such as the design and construction of a jet airplane, the 'F.5 "and, and in the motoleggera "[[Capriolo]]" whose production series was developed from 1952. In fact, the company already had in 1948 dedicated to the study and implementation of a motorcycle; in the establishment of Arc of Aero Caproni, with the enlightened contribution inventive Joseph Perini was built the engine, called A50, the prototype of what will be the Capriolo 75. The official presentation of Capriolo was 75 at the XXIX International Motorcycle Fair in Milan

Revision as of 20:49, 24 October 2008

Capriolo logo.jpg

1955 150cc Capriolo

Dr. Ing. Gianni Caproni of Taliedo in 1940 was the limited liability company called Anonima AERO-CAPRONI-TRENT with the object, as the Statute, "any industrial and commercial activities relating to aviation and aerospace." Over the period of war, the need to redeploy production to civil purposes, in August 1950, the Aero Caproni Trento SpA enlarge the objects to "mechanical engineering." They were so taken new initiatives such as the design and construction of a jet airplane, the 'F.5 "and, and in the motoleggera "Capriolo" whose production series was developed from 1952. In fact, the company already had in 1948 dedicated to the study and implementation of a motorcycle; in the establishment of Arc of Aero Caproni, with the enlightened contribution inventive Joseph Perini was built the engine, called A50, the prototype of what will be the Capriolo 75. The official presentation of Capriolo was 75 at the XXIX International Motorcycle Fair in Milan

Capriolo 75 Aero Caproni Video

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