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== 1953 - 1958 ==
'''IMN''' (''Industria Meccanica Napoletana'') was an Italian motorcycle manufacturer based in [[Baia]], [[Napoli]], initially built mild 49 cc to 249 cc two instruments and celebrating.
In 1953, the moped Paperino Mosquito 38 cc engine and a roller [[transmission]]. The moped has an open single beam frame in stamped steel. Beside that, it also built a 100 cc lightweight motorcycle, the Bay, four-stroke engine with pushrods and rocker arms, chassis and engine applied to the central truss cantilever. In 1955 the Super Paperino Lusso realizes that incorporates the features of Paperino Normale.
In 1956, it was the turn of the Paperino Sport Super Lusso 49-cc two-stroke exchange to three separate [[gears]], chain drive with a speed of 70 km/h. In 1956, they also produced an engine with a 65 cc two-stroke three-speed [[gearbox]], a 65 cc lightweight motorcycle, a scooter full bodied with the same engine and a new 100 cc lightweight motorcycle with four-speed gearbox. At the end of 1956, the motorcycle was made even more interesting: the ''Rocket'' 200, with a 200 cc [[two-cylinder]] horizontal opposed engine, [[distribution]] [[pushrods]] and rocker arms, power of 11 bhp at 6000 rpm, four-speed gearbox with a pedal block and final [[drive shaft]] with bevel helical teeth. The frame was tubular trellis with an overhanging engine, [[telescopic]] front [[forks]] and rear semi-hydraulic [[shocks]].
In 1957 the Paperino Sprint was released but due to the lack of sales the company closed in 1958.
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Revision as of 13:52, 16 April 2010

1953 - 1958

IMN (Industria Meccanica Napoletana) was an Italian motorcycle manufacturer based in Baia, Napoli, initially built mild 49 cc to 249 cc two instruments and celebrating.

In 1953, the moped Paperino Mosquito 38 cc engine and a roller transmission. The moped has an open single beam frame in stamped steel. Beside that, it also built a 100 cc lightweight motorcycle, the Bay, four-stroke engine with pushrods and rocker arms, chassis and engine applied to the central truss cantilever. In 1955 the Super Paperino Lusso realizes that incorporates the features of Paperino Normale.

In 1956, it was the turn of the Paperino Sport Super Lusso 49-cc two-stroke exchange to three separate gears, chain drive with a speed of 70 km/h. In 1956, they also produced an engine with a 65 cc two-stroke three-speed gearbox, a 65 cc lightweight motorcycle, a scooter full bodied with the same engine and a new 100 cc lightweight motorcycle with four-speed gearbox. At the end of 1956, the motorcycle was made even more interesting: the Rocket 200, with a 200 cc two-cylinder horizontal opposed engine, distribution pushrods and rocker arms, power of 11 bhp at 6000 rpm, four-speed gearbox with a pedal block and final drive shaft with bevel helical teeth. The frame was tubular trellis with an overhanging engine, telescopic front forks and rear semi-hydraulic shocks.

In 1957 the Paperino Sprint was released but due to the lack of sales the company closed in 1958.

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