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Giannini Automobiles S.P.A. is a coachbuilder in Italy, founded in 1920 from the siblings Attilio Giannini and Domenico Giannini with headquarters in Rome.



Born from a specialist workshop of mechanical repairs, they become in the 1922 part of the net of Italian attendance. Thanks to this collaboration and the matured competences, become coaches in the 1927 in occasion of the first edition of the Miglia Miles. They prepared one on a commission basis Italian Tipo 61 of the Pellegrini marque.

1937 Giannini Sport Roma

30 years

They modified of cars of smaller piston displacement, in particular Topolino from Fiat, not limiting themselves to modifications on the motor but also to the order and the brakes.

40 years

After World War II, the Giannini siblings begin the production of only motors. In 1947, production began on a three cylinder Diesel direct injection motor for a truck called the 3A with 40 HP. They did not have a lot of success and only sold a few hundred. In 1948, abandoning the truck field, they attempt the more challenging field of racing. From the experience with the motors of the Topolino and the contribution given from a versatile planner and core engineer the Carl Gianini, they create the G1 of 750 cc that obtains optimal turns during the Millie Miglia of 1949. It would be the well engineered engine of the Giannini G2 that will propel the Giaur cars for the race team of Berardo Taraschi.

Giannini G2 DOHC Engine

50 years

In the course of the ten years success of the company door ahead several political trades them, between which the opening of concessionaires with annexed workshops, sales account thirds party, sales on behalf of the same Fiat.

The Division

For it varies reasons to you but and in spite of the bonds it turns out to you trades them, the company is found again in most serious economic difficulties that at the close carry it in1961. The two siblings and you respect sons to you, find in such discord that they will create two new distinguished societies. The Mechanical Constructions Giannini S.P.A. of Attilio Giannini and the Giannini are born therefore Automobiles S.P.A. of Domenico Giannini. Mechanical

Contusion of Giannini S.p.A.

Before it would continue in the field of the motor upgrades, planning and prototypes, the decision was made to do less of the valuable servicing and maintenance. This decision, in spite of the many optimally completed jobs, will be revealed as ‘fatal’ for its future. The Mechanical Constructions Giannini S.P.A. would close in 1971.

Giannini Automobili S.p.A.

Giannini 590 GT

The other company instead initially upgrades the net trades them, the repair workshops and maintenance, the personalization will be reduced drastically to small participations. Subsequently from the 1963 the elaborations of cars standard and the sale of kit will come resumptions of transformation. The car that mainly adapted to these advances was the 500 of Fiat, but also many other models, mostly of the Turinese houses, benefited. anni 60 pass optimally, between elaborations and participation to contests. 16 March 1967 Domenico Giannini dies for an infarct.

The Arrival of Volfango Polverelli

A new period for the company is opened that will be found to make the accounts with great problems of conduction and organization, such to carry the administrators of the age to call one external person in order to recover the full functionality. This delicate task was given to the lawyer Volfango Polverelli. Initially with no interest, but as a great fan of automobiles and motors, he became more attracted to the proposed mission. The involvement in the time is such that it not only reorganizes the company but also becomes an associate. With continued acquisitions of greater amounts for ownership, that in the 1973, he becomes the sole owner.

File:Giannini punto.jpg
Giannini Punto Sportline 75

The new management changes from one central management and income biases to the business operated by the three sons of Polverelli; Gabriel, Gaetano, and Giacomo where each was in charge of just one field. The new elaborations make head the engineer Arming Pole known in the automotive field are in that aeronautical one. The advent of the Pole gives new life to Giannini, new models come taken in consideration and veriations like the 126, Ritmo and Panda and parallel increases the participation, to manifestations sport.

Giannini Seicento Sportline GT

Unfortunately for the industry, the company had undertaken in an irreversible journey of crisis. The causes were multiple but the main reason is that the constant increase of costs to support, is in the fact that the great houses began to create the same models in several versions. This and the amplified problem of the dead women on the companys logo. On July 13th, 1984 lawyer Volfango Polverelli, carrying the axis of the company, to lack as a result of one serious respiratory crisis.

Giannini the 1600's Sportline GT

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