Czechoslovakian Grand Prix

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The Czechoslovakian Grand Prix was an automobile race. The popularity of Grand Prix motor racing in other European countries in the 1920s was such that on September 28, 1930 it came to the Masaryk Circuit in the town of Brno in Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic).

The advent of German occupation and World War II saw the end of the race in that country until 1949 when the Masaryk Circuit was shortened to 17.8 km. The 1949 competition, raced in the opposite direction than the pre-war races, drew a crowd in excess of 400,000 people. However, this would be the last Czechoslovakian Grand Prix, and the race would never be part of the Formula One World Championship.

Winners of the Czechoslovakian Grand Prix

Year Driver Constructor Location Report
1949 Peter Whitehead Mercedes-Benz Masaryk Circuit Report
1937 Rudolf Caracciola Mercedes Benz Masaryk Circuit Report
1935 Bernd Rosemeyer Auto Union Masaryk Circuit Report
1934 Hans Stuck Auto Union Masaryk Circuit Report
1933 Louis Chiron Bugatti Masaryk Circuit Report
1932 Louis Chiron Bugatti Masaryk Circuit Report
1931 Louis Chiron Bugatti Masaryk Circuit Report
1930 Heinrich-Joachim von Morgen,
Hermann zu Leiningen
Bugatti Masaryk Circuit Report

Races in the Formula One championship:
2007 championship Grand Prix events:

Australian | Malaysian | Bahrain | Spanish | Monaco | Canadian | U.S. | French | British
German | European| Hungarian | Turkish | Italian | Belgian | Japanese | Chinese | Brazilian

Past championship Grand Prix events:

Argentine | Austrian | Dutch | Indy 500 | Las Vegas | Luxembourg | Mexican | Morocco
Pacific | Pescara | Portuguese | San Marino | South African | Swedish | Swiss | USA East | USA West

Confirmed future Grand Prix events:

Abu Dhabi | Korean | European | Singapore