
1956 -
Bremach vehicles were first produced at the end of the 1960’s derived from two long standing Italian manufacturing companies. In 1956 “Fratelli Brenna” was established as a major machine shop for the growing manufacturing sector in post war Italy. There was great economic development founded on the switch from military to civilian manufacturing which encouraged development of new products aimed at the growing civilian market and requiring the support of a new wave of high quality designers, engineers and machinery. At the same time a significant manufacturer of military equipment “Aeronautics Macchi” developed a new 3-wheel compact, reliable delivery vehicle for light weight freight carriage. Italy was a large market with major Italian industrial groups emerging alongside the smaller enterprises at this time of economic growth.
Toward the end of the 1960’s Fratelli Brenna decided to acquire the small 3-wheeled delivery vehicle developed by Aeronautics Macchi now called the AERMACCHI and using their expertise to improve it. Taking a part of each name BREMACH was born.Bremach concentrated on the light freight segment of the market and began to design, test and then manufacture a 3.5T vehicle. Bremach became synonymous with a hard working, durable vehicle and grew into a strong company with solid historical foundations. Right from the start the originality of the new design of Bremach was recognised and with its inherent versatility and strength it developed into a great working vehicle.
Over time the design was modified to allow use for heavier goods and the range was extended to include 6.0T gross vehicle weight options. In the late 1990’s Bremach became an important part of the PRO.DE group which has a long and successful history in automotive design and engineering in the prestigious Italian vehicle industry Bremach has been a constant presence in the market both in Italy and abroad since its inception and thanks to its success has been able to invest in developing and improving its product range culminating in the current Job Model Year 2006 with new technical and aesthetic characteristics.
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